The first ever VIRTUAL InfoCon packed plenty of information punch with its informative sessions.
We always look forward to this annual conference to learn the latest and greatest in managing information, and to connect with both old and new friends in the industry.
While 2020 has looked a lot different than previous years, the ARMA committee pivoted to put together an impressive virtual event. InfoCon included 150 speakers covering material across 8 tracks and brought together attendees from 27 countries.
We enjoyed networking, presenting and networking with a lot of familiar faces across our screens!
As we did in 2018 and 2019, we're sharing the 7 takeaway topics that we noticed as themes throughout the sessions of this year's event...
1. Data Continuity, Privacy and Compliance are Critical
With unexpected changes of 2020 came rapid shift to where and how many of us work. Suddenly, we were setting up and adapting to home offices, virtual meetings and getting our tasks done remotely. What didn't change? A lot of the organizational information we need to work, and proper measures are in place to keep it safe and compliant.
There were multiple sessions covering the importance of having solid RM processes in-place, sharing about the latest in data privacy (more critical than ever when working from new locations!) and chats on compliance- which should be ensured no matter what your workspace looks like.
2. The Importance of e-Discovery
As data privacy and compliance should continue despite shifts to a new normal, so should access to that data. Despite location and device, ensuring we have access to the information we need to work with is key for business continuity. That's likely why there was a whole track devoted to both Legal and organizational e-Discovery!
For example, our teammate Tom was one of the speakers in this track, and presented on how you can optimize your e-Discovery with a data lake: catch it on-demand through the InfoCon page until January 2021!
3. Digital Transformation Continues
Now that we're equipped with the workspace and access to information that we need: the work in information governance and digital transformation carries on. We (virtually) sat in on several sessions about creating structure and optimizing your records management processes, plus steps you can take towards digital transformation from wherever you work!
4. Prepare Your Data for Disaster
We'll say it: 2020 has been a difficult year in many ways. It's a lesson that the unexpected can happen, and when it does it is wise to be prepared for it. We always advocate for having your content backed up and having a disaster recovery plan in case of the worst-case scenario. Several ARMA InfoCon speakers seconded this notion and spoke on prepping your information and setting measures in-place to reduce organizational information risk.
5. A Glimpse into Microsoft 365 for RM
This year's rebranding of and updates to Microsoft 365 have the information governance community buzzing. Can using M365 out-of-the-box provide everything you need to end-to-end, fully compliant records management? The final day of InfoCon contained several insightful sessions that we recommend checking out: including overviews and case studies!
We also crafted together a M365 comparison chart and an overview of SharePoint Syntex if you'd like to give those a browse!
6. Optimize Work in the New Normal with Self Care
And we're not talking face masks and bubble baths (or are we)? While it's great to join together to learn about the latest in IG processes and technologies, one aspect of productivity besides adaption is making sure that we are in a proper mindset. We've said it several times throughout this piece, but this has not been an easy year. It's critical to properly care for ourselves to avoid burnout: and this was a topic of conversation for several of the sessions. For the times you're feeling overwhelmed or could use a short break, we recommend listening in on those.
7. The Power of Connection
Whether working with teammates, having virtual calls with clients or networking and learning at a conference like InfoCon (hey everyone!), the importance of connection despite distance cannot be overstated. How else would this event have been organized? Whether a keynote with our and other awesome CEOs on leadership and teamwork in 2020, attending industry working groups to exchange ideas or networking with fellow attendees: we have everything to gain from staying connected even when we are apart. And this event has been a wonderful chance to connect with you all.
Missed any of these sessions? ARMA is providing on-demand session access to InfoCon users until January 2021!
That's our list! Do you agree, or would your main takeaways from this event be different than ours? Leave a comment below and let us know. We look forward to seeing everyone either virtually or in Houston... we shall see! In the mean time, feel free to read the latest on our blog or contact us if you have any questions.