Collabware Blog

JAB Prioritizes Collabware for FedRAMP®  High P-ATO

Written by Angela Dion | Jun 2, 2022 10:30:00 AM


Collabware is shortlisted by The JAB for special review and testing which will allow for Federal Agencies to access Collabspace archive, discovery and records management solutions faster. 

For Immediate Release

May 31, 2022 - Vancouver, B.C. – Collabware, a leader in data protection and records management software, today announced being prioritized by the Joint Advisory Board (JAB) of the U.S. Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) to pursue a Provisional Authority to Operate (P-ATO) at FedRAMP High security level. Collabspace is the only cloud SaaS (Software as a Service) solution in the FedRAMP Marketplace currently available with archival, discovery and records management capabilities to earn this compliance designation and impact level.

The P-ATO designation is a special segment of select vendors hand-picked by the board based on demand and need by federal agencies for these solutions. The JAB only selects a maximum of 12 vendors within a year to undergo P-ATO evaluation and these vendors must prove to meet strict testing criteria and security measures that protect the most sensitive data. Collabware is also simultaneously undergoing evaluation to receive its Authority to Operate (ATO) status which requires the software to be successfully tested, deployed, monitored and in-practice within a federal agency.

FedRAMP® was created to standardize security assessments and authorization for cloud products and services used by U.S. federal agencies. It is the most rigorous testing process a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) can undertake and the aim is to make certain federal data is consistently protected. The High Baseline is the top-level status that takes into account the government's most sensitive, unclassified data held in cloud computing environments and the full FedRAMP High review validates over 400 security controls.

We've written an article going into depth about FedRAMP® High, what it is and how to achieve it.

Government agencies benefit greatly when a vendor is identified as P-ATO by the JAB. It means that, once passed, the local agency staff are relieved of the time and effort it takes to assess these solutions and undergo their own security testing,” says Doug Converse, Director of Compliance for Collabware. “This process ensures FedRAMP-approved requirements have been met, they can trust that all the essential security measures are in place and can move forward with deploying the software”.

FedRAMP is endorsed by the U.S. government’s Federal Chief Information Officers Council (CIO Council) and controlled by a Joint Authorization Board (JAB) that comprises representatives from:

  • the Department of Defense (DoD),
  • the General Services Administration (GSA), and
  • the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Aligning with Presidential Directive M-19-21 that mandates federal government bodies to enlist proper records management systems to create, manage and maintain all permanent records and metadata in electronic format by December 31st, 2022, Collabspace provides the vehicle to meet these requirements and allows for legal and regulatory data compliance guidelines to be met.

“Data has never been more vulnerable, and we plan to successfully submit, validate and pass each stage of this testing program to prove that we take data security this seriously” says Graham Sibley, CEO of Collabware. “Being the only available records management solution at the FedRAMP High level and having Collabspace undergo this additional vetting process by the JAB will allow agencies to quickly adopt the added security they need while giving the citizens they serve the data protection they can rely on.”

 US Agencies can find Collabspace listed on FedRAMP Marketplace under SaaS providers and more information can be found about the Collabspace suite of information governance products at

See the extended list of Collabware's certifications and regulatory adherences.


About Collabspace 
Collabspace is a security-certified and highly scalable intelligent Information Management cloud service, developed by Collabware, that enables organizations to connect to and archive content from multiple repositories for purposes of managing the content lifecycle and extracting new value and meaning through content analysis. Once under management of Collabspace,
advanced enterprise compliance, discovery and records management capabilities are employed, such as OCR and audio/video transcription to help categorize and analyze records for proper retention and disposition. For more information,  


About Collabware 
Collabware helps enterprises and governments achieve legislative and regulatory information management compliance by providing intelligent archiving, discovery, and records management solutions. By automatically protecting critical content and revealing dark data, Collabware solutions increase organizational transparency so information can be properly retained, managed, and harnessed for business transformation. With offices in Canada, the USA and UK, our software has been internationally deployed by large enterprises and highly-regulated industries. 


Press Contact
Angela Dion, Collabware